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作品: 1 作品在 12 項出版品 2 種語言
藉由神經網路回答國小社會科段考題 / by: 王柏皓; 吳建銘; Wu, Jiann-Ming (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
以多映像函數近似建構逆神經系統 = = Learning Inverse Neural Systems Using One-to-many Function Approximation / by: 吳建銘; Lin, Yi-Ling; Wu, Jiann-Ming; 林怡伶 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
光達表面近似與物件偵測 = = Lidar surface approximation and object detection / by: 簡國丞; 吳建銘; Wu, Jiann-Ming (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
深度聯想記憶體 = = Deep Associative Memory / by: 吳建銘; Jiann-Ming Wu; 郭天麟 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
特定作曲家的音樂生成與驗證 = = Composer-specific music generation and verification / by: 黃馨儀; 吳建銘; Wu, Jiann-Ming (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
深度學習 medical image diagnosis fruit classification Crackles Bluetooth stethoscope 肺音 social studies 3D 物件偵測 泰勒展開式 convolutional neural network 圖像辨識 deep learning 梅爾倒頻譜 哮喘音 LSTM 預測病毒宿主 遷移式學習 問答系統 國小 3d object detection 理查森外插法 作曲家辨識 馬可夫鏈 composer classification long short-term memory 手寫字辨識 Xcode Lung sounds Automatic classification 時間序列 LM Long Short-term Memory Time Series transfer learning true-false question 拓撲保留 Unsupervised learning 點雲 Gaussian mixtures Taylor Expansion 長短期記憶 卷積神經網路 醫學影像診斷 Caffe deep learning CNNs 徑向基函數 Deep learning 非監督學習 Dimensionality reduction lattice-organized point cloud 風格轉換 Style Transfer pattern recognition Matlab RBF 爆裂音 Levenberg-Marquardt question answering system 可視化 分群 Visualization Topology support Lidar surface approximation Markov chain iOS Apps Caffe深度學習 handwritten character recognition image recognition 均場K-平均 藍牙聽診器 Convolutional neural network Mel-frequency cepstrum 社會科 是非題 選擇題 Richardson Extrapolation MatConvNet Python 水果分類 自動分類器 長短期記憶體 Viral host prediction 類神經網路 BERT elementary school 維度化約 Clustering 地面分割 point cloud ground segmentation 音樂生成 MIDI Convolutional Neural Networks Wheezing AnnealedkMeans neural network multiple choice question distributed nonlinear surfaces 激光雷達 music generation