Lu, Chieh-Hua
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
廣告業者選擇運動明星代言人之策略 = = The Strategy of Choosing the Sport Star Endorser: A Case Study of Chien-Ming Wang : 以王建民代言為例 /
羅靜怡; 呂傑華; Luo, Jing-Yi; Lu, Chieh-Hua
(Language materials, printed)
以社會行銷觀點探討消費者購買庇護工場商品之行為研究 = = A Study on behaviors of consumers purchasing shelter workshop products:A Viewpoint of Social Marketing /
林思婷; 呂傑華; Lin, Sz-Ting; Lu, Chieh-Hua
(Language materials, printed)
農村地區微型社會企業的個案研究 = = A Case Study On the Development of Micro Social Eenterprises in Rural Areas /
Lu, Chieh-Hua; 謝佳玲; 呂傑華; Hsieh, Chia-Ling
(Language materials, printed)
線上遊戲玩家的涉入程度、滿意度及忠誠度對商城道具購買意願之影響 = = A Study of the Influence among Online Game Player’s Involvement, Satisfaction and Loyalty to the Purchase Intention of Digital Props /
Lu, Chieh-Hua; Lin, Jui-Ling; 林瑞琳; 呂傑華
(Language materials, printed)
青年粉絲對韓國偶像崇拜、周邊商品知覺價值與購買意願關係之研究 = = A Study of the Relationships among Youth Fans’ Korean Idol Worship, Perceived Value and Purchase Intention of Accessory Product /
李志珍; 呂傑華; Lee, Jyh-Jen; Lu, Chieh-Hua
(Language materials, printed)
探討社會企業的社會行銷策略應用 = = Application of Social Marketing Strategies to Social Enterprise: A Case of Da Wang’s Grocery Store : 以大王菜舖子為例 /
呂傑華; Lu, Chieh-Hua; Liou, Ru-Fang; 劉如芳
(Language materials, printed)
花蓮社區刊物營運與編輯地方認同 = = The Operation of Hualien Community Publications and the Editors’ Sense of Local Identity /
陳則秀; 呂傑華; Chen, Tse-Hsiu; Lu, Chieh-Hua
(Language materials, printed)