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Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 4 languages
刺陵 = Treasure hunter / by: 朱延平; 周杰倫; 林志玲; 曾志偉; 陳道明 (Projected and video material)
功夫灌籃 = Kung fu dunk / by: 朱延平; 周杰倫; 陳柏霖; 蔡卓妍 (Projected and video material)
滿城盡帶黃金甲 = Surse of the golden flower / by: 鞏俐; 張藝謀; 周杰倫; 周潤發 (Projected and video material)
逆戰 = The viral factor / by: 林超賢; 丘子傑; 彭立威; 梁鳳英; 錢嘉樂; 周杰倫; 謝霆鋒; 金燕玲; 吳煒倫 (Projected and video material)
逆戰 = The viral factor / by: 林超賢; 周杰倫; 謝霆鋒 (Projected and video material)
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