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Well Go USA, Inc

Works: 0 works in 41 publications in 2 languages
速食帝國麥當勞 = Ray Kroc : 雷克洛克 / by: 柏金斯 ((Perkins, Jack, 1940- )); Perkins, Jack (1940-); 藝術娛樂網(Arts and Entertainment Network); Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc; History Channel (Television network) (Projected and video material)
零售業傳奇 = Sears, Roebuck & Co. : 西爾斯羅巴克 / by: 帕盧克 ((Paluck, David)); Paluck, David; ABC News Production; Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc (Projected and video material)
華爾街皇帝 = J.Pierpont Morgan-Emperor of wall street : 皮爾龐特摩根 / by: 柏金斯 ((Perkins, Jack, 1940- )); Perkins, Jack (1940-); Jaffe Productions; Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc (Projected and video material)
恩佐法拉利 = Enzo Ferrari-passion for speed : 對速度的熱情 / by: Smith, Harry|f1951-; 史密斯 ((Smith, Harry, 1951- )); Actuality Productions; Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc (Projected and video material)
保時捷 = iPorsche-driven to perfection : 駛向完美 / by: 史密斯 ((Smith, Harry, 1951- )); Smith, Harry (1951-); Actuality Productions; Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc (Projected and video material)
亞馬遜網路商城 = Jeff Bezos : 傑夫貝佐斯 / by: 史密斯 ((Smith, Harry, 1951- )); Smith, Harry (1951-); 藝術娛樂網(Arts and Entertainment Network); History Channel(Television network); Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc (Projected and video material)
連鎖飯店龍頭 = Hilton : 康拉德希爾頓 / by: 藝術娛樂網(Arts and Entertainment Network); Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc; ABC News Productions (Projected and video material)
微軟教父 = Bill Gates : 比爾蓋茲 / by: 佛利曼 ((Friedman, Steve)); Murphy, Margaret; Friedman, Steve; 藝術娛樂網(Arts and Entertainment Network); ABC News Production; Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc (Projected and video material)
地產大亨 = Donald Trump : 唐納川普 / by: Stacker, Pete; 藝術娛樂網(Arts and Entertainment Network); Towers Productions, Inc; Arts and Entertainment Network; Well Go USA, Inc; Biography Channel (Firm); 史塔克爾 ((Stacker, Pete)) (Projected and video material)
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