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辛棄疾 (宋)

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
辛稼軒軍事文學與兵學思想研究 / by: 王偉建 (Language materials, printed)
辛棄疾酒詞研究 / by: 黃郁棻 (Language materials, printed)
辛棄疾與姜夔詞比較研究 / by: 陳鴻銘 (Language materials, printed)
稼軒詞中鳥意象之研究 / by: 陳淑君 (Language materials, printed)
蘇辛說詞 / by: 顧隨 (Language materials, printed)
二安詞之花意象比較研究 / by: 林欣怡 (Language materials, printed)
蘇辛詞借鑒杜詩之研究 / by: 吳秀蘭 (Language materials, printed)
詞學新視野 : = 李清照辛棄疾暨詞學國際學術研討會論文集 / by: 中國李清照辛棄疾學會 (Language materials, printed)
辛棄疾 = = Hsin Ch'i-chi : 豪放的英雄詞人 : the passionate patriot / by: 岑澎維; 張瑜珊; 陳柏龍 (Language materials, printed)
大金弔伐錄 四卷. = 南渡錄. 平宋錄. 避戎夜話 / by: 石茂良 (宋); 中國; 劉敏中 (元); 辛棄疾 (宋); 中國歷史研究社 (Language materials, printed)
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