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Butler, Judith

Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
戰爭的框架 / by: 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); Butler, Judith; 申昀晏 (Language materials, printed)
性/別惑亂 : = 女性主義與身分顛覆 / by: 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); Butler, Judith; 廖珮杏; 聞翊均 (Language materials, printed)
消解性別 / by: 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); Butler, Judith; 郭劼 (Language materials, printed)
身體之重 : = 論"性別"的話語界線 / by: Butler, Judith; 李鈞鵬; 巴特勒 (Language materials, printed)
戰爭的框架 / by: 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); 何磊; Butler, Judith (Language materials, printed)
脆弱不安的生命 : = 哀悼與暴力的力量 / by: Butler, Judith; 巴特勒(Butler, Judith); 趙英男; 何磊 (Language materials, printed)
安提戈涅的訴求 : = 生與死之間的親緣關係 = Antigone's claim : kinship between life and death / by: 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); Butler, Judith; 王楠 (Language materials, printed)
性/別惑亂 : = 女性主義與身分顛覆 / by: 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); 林郁庭; Butler, Judith (Language materials, printed)
權力的精神生活 : = 服從的理論 / by: Butler, Judith; 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); 張生 (Language materials, printed)
偶然性、霸權和普遍性 = = Contingency, Hegemony, Universality-Contemporary Dialogues on the Left : 關於左派的當代對話 / by: 拉克勞 ((Laclau, Ernesto)); 齊澤克 ((Zizek, Slavoj)); 巴特勒 ((Butler, Judith)); 胡大平; Butler, Judith; Laclau, Ernesto; Zizek, Slavoj (Language materials, printed)
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