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文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.))

作品: 2 作品在 14 項出版品 2 種語言
邵族 = = The long haired spirit of Sun Moon Lake : stories from the Thao Tribe : 日月潭的長髮精怪 / by: 文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.)); Winkler, Robin J.; 簡史朗; 陳俊傑 ((中國歷史)) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
魯凱族 = = Baleng and the snake : stories from the Rukai Tribe : 多情的巴嫩姑娘 / by: 文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.)); 伊誕.巴瓦瓦隆; 邱金士; Winkler, Robin J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
賽夏族 = = Pas-taai : Legends of the little people and other stories from the Saisiat : 巴斯達隘傳說 / by: 文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.)); 潘秋榮; 賴英澤 ((繪畫)); Winkler, Robin J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
鄒族 = = Revenge of the mountain boar and other stories from the Cou Tribe : 復仇的山豬 / by: 文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.)); 莊暉明; 鄭信得; Winkler, Robin J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
卑南族 = = Mysterious crescents : stories from the Puyuma tribe : 神秘的月形石柱 / by: 文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.)); 林志興 ((人類學)); 陳建年 ((繪畫)); Winkler, Robin J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
泰雅族 = = The rainbow's judgment : stories of the Atayal Tribe : 彩虹橋的審判 / by: 文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.)); Winkler, Robin J.; 曾修媚; 瑁瑁.瑪邵 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
阿美族 = = Alikakay the giant child eater and other stories from the amis tribe : 巨人阿里嘎該 / by: 陳俊男; 文魯彬 ((Winkler,Robin J.)); 林順道; Winkler, Robert J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)