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哈奈特 ((Hartnett, Josh))

Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
黑鷹計劃 = Black hawk down / by: McGregor, Ewan; Sizemore, Tom; 史考特 ((Scott, Ridley)); 哈奈特 ((Hartnett, Josh)); 麥奎格 ((McGregor, Ewan)); 賽斯摩 ((Sizemore, Tom)); Scott, Ridley; Hartnett, Josh (Projected and video material)
千方百計 = O(Othello) / by: 史黛爾 ((Stiles, Julia)); 哈奈特 ((Hartnett, Josh)); Nelson, Tim Blake; Hartnett, Josh; Stiles, Julia; 尼爾森 ((Nelson, Tim Blake)) (Projected and video material)
好萊塢重案組 = Hollywood homicide / by: 哈奈特 ((Hartnett, Josh)); 福特 ((Ford, Harrison)); Ford, Harrison; Hartnett, Josh; 薛爾頓 ((Shelton, Ron)); Shelton, Ron (Projected and video material)
珍珠港 = Pearl Harbor / by: 貝 ((Bay, Michael)); 哈奈特 ((Hartnett, Josh)); 艾佛列克 ((Affleck, Ben)); 貝琴薩 ((Beckinsale, Kate)); Bay, Michael; Affleck, Ben; Beckinsale, Kate; Hartnett, Josh (Projected and video material)
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