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克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom))

Works: 1 works in 17 publications in 5 languages
征服情海 = Jerry Maguire / by: 高威 ((Crowe, Cameron)); 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); 庫丁 ((Gooding, Cuba Jr.)); 齊維格 ((Zellweger, Renee)); Crowe, Cameron; Cruise, Tom; Gooding, Cuba Jr.; Zellweger, Renee (Projected and video material)
神隱任務 = Jack reacher / by: 麥奎里 ((McQuarrie, Christopher)); 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); 派克 ((Pike, Rosamund)); 荷索 ((Herzog, Werner)); McQuarrie, Christopher; Cruise, Tom; Pike, Rosamund; Herzog, Werner (Projected and video material)
不可能的任務 = Mission Impossible : 鬼影行動 : Ghost Protocol / by: 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); Cruise, Tom; Renner, Jeremy; 柏德 ((Bird, Brad)); Bird, Brad; 雷納 ((Renner, Jeremy)) (Projected and video material)
不可能的任務2 = Mission : impossible 2 / by: 吳宇森 ((Woo, John)); 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); Woo, John; Cruise, Tom (Projected and video material)
捍衛戰士 = Top Guns / by: 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); 基墨 ((Kilmer, Val)); 麥克吉絲 ((McGillis, Kelly)); 東尼史考特 ((Scott, Tony)) (Projected and video material)
不可能的任務 = 全面瓦解 = Mission : impossible : fallout / by: 麥奎里 ((McQuarrie, Christopher)); McQuarrie, Christopher; 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); Cruise, Tom; 卡維爾 ((Cavill, Henry)); Ferguson, Rebecca; Cavill, Henry; 弗格森 ((Ferguson, Rebecca)) (Projected and video material)
不可能的任務 = Mission : impossible / by: 巴瑪 ((Palma, Brian De)); 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); Palma, Brian De; Cruise, Tom (Projected and video material)
不可能的任務3 = Mission : impossible 3 / by: 亞伯拉罕 ((Abrams, J. J.)); 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); Abrams, J. J.; Cruise, Tom (Projected and video material)
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