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Works: 6 works in 9 publications in 2 languages
朗文新英文文法全集 = = A comprehensive survey of English grammar / by: Takayuki Oku; 陳菲文; 夏淑怡 (Language materials, printed)
朗文英文文法全集 / by: 石黑昭博; 陳菲文; 夏淑怡 (Language materials, printed)
朗文英文文法全集 = = A comprehensive survey of English grammar / by: 石黑昭博; 夏淑怡; 陳菲文 (Language materials, printed)
朗文新英文文法全集 = = A comprehensive survey of English grammar 2011 / . 2011 by: 石黑昭博; 夏淑怡; 陳菲文 (Language materials, printed)
部長島耕作反敗為勝法 : = 自己創造奇蹟的50條法則 / by: 弘兼憲史; 陳菲文 (Language materials, printed)
多益題型解析與應考技巧 = = Longman essential guide for the TOEIC test / by: 松野守峰; 根岸進; 陳菲文 (Language materials, printed)
聽力特訓 : = 完全聽懂道地英語的25堂課 / by: 羅斯特 ((Rost, Michael A.)); 史特萊敦 ((Stratton, Robert K.)); 小野田榮; 陳菲文; Rost, Michael A.; Stratton, Robert K. (Language materials, printed)
朗文新英文文法全集 = = A comprehensive survey of English grammar / by: 石黑昭博; 英國; 陳菲文; 夏淑怡 (Language materials, printed)
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