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Works: 0 works in 10 publications in 2 languages
失落之城Z : = 亞馬遜的世紀探險之謎 / by: 格雷恩 ((Grann, David)); 亞馬遜河; 陳信宏; Grann, David (Language materials, printed)
昆蟲博士與宅男的亞馬遜探險 = = The biologist and the geek explore the Amazon jungle / by: 亞馬遜河; 林志全; 劉藍玉 (Language materials, printed)
別睡,這裡有蛇! : = 一個語言學家在亞馬遜叢林 / by: 艾弗列特 ((Everett, Daniel Leonard)); 亞馬遜河; Everett, Daniel Leonard; 黃珮玲 (Language materials, printed)
亞馬遜的眼淚 = Tears of Amazon = 아마존의 눈물 / by: 金真萬; 亞馬遜河; 金賢哲; 金南佶; MBC (Projected and video material)
別睡,這裡有蛇! : = 一個語言學家在亞馬遜叢林 / by: 艾弗列特 ((Everett, Daniel)); 亞馬遜河; 薛勒 ((Schoeller, Martin)); 黃珮玲; Everett, Daniel; Schoeller, Martin (Language materials, printed)
迷走亞馬遜 / by: 金柏格 ((Chinsberg, Yossi)) (1960-); 亞馬遜河; 方祖芳; Chinsberg, Yossi (Language materials, printed)
860天!!前所未有亞馬遜河徒步大冒險 / by: 亞馬遜河; 紀迺良; 史塔福特 ((Stafford, Ed)); Stafford, Ed (Language materials, printed)
沸騰的河流 / by: 盧梭 ((Ruzo, Andres)); 亞馬遜河; 秘魯; Ruzo, Andres; 韓絜光 (Language materials, printed)
尋找亞馬遜森林之花 : = 從英國藝術家瑪格麗特.蜜的日記窺見日漸消失的熱帶雨林 / by: 亞馬遜河; 紀瑋婷; 蜜 ((Mee, Margaret)); Mee, Margaret (Language materials, printed)
暗流長征 / by: 米勒德 ((Millard, Candice)); 亞馬遜河; 藍曉鹿; Millard, Candice (Language materials, printed)
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