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Lean, David

Works: 8 works in 12 publications in 1 languages
孤雛淚 = Oliver Twist / by: 紐頓 ((Newton, Robert)); 堅尼斯 ((Guinness, Alec)); 連 ((Lean, David)); 戴維斯 ((Davies, John Howard)); Lean, David; Davies, John Howard; Guinness, Alec; Newton, Robert (Projected and video material)
阿拉伯的勞倫斯 = Lawrence of Arabia / by: 連 ((Lean, David)); Lean, David (Projected and video material)
孤雛淚 = Oliver Twist / by: 連 ((Lean, David)); 紐頓 ((Newton, Robert)); 堅尼斯 ((Guinness, Alec)); 戴維斯 ((Davies, John Howard)); Lean, David; Davies, John Howard; Guinness, Alec; Newton, Robert (Projected and video material)
桂河大橋 = The bridge on the river Kwai / by: 連 ((Lean, David)); 堅尼斯 ((Guinness, Alec)); 荷頓 ((Holden, William)); Lean, David; Guinness, Alec; Holden, William (Projected and video material)
桂河大橋 = The bridge on the river Kwai / by: 連 ((Lean, David)); 堅尼斯 ((Guinness, Alec)); 荷頓 ((Holden, William)); Lean, David; Guinness, Alec; Holden, William (Projected and video material)
阿拉伯的勞倫斯 = Lawrence of Arabia / by: 雪瑞夫 ((Sharif, Omar)); 奧圖 ((O'Toole, Peter)); Lean, David; O'Toole, Peter; Sharif, Omar; 連 ((Lean, David)) (Projected and video material)
萬世流芳 = Greatest story ever told / by: 連 ((Lean, David)); 希斯頓 ((Heston, Charlton)); 貝克 ((Baker, Carroll)); 席鐸 ((Sydow, Max von)); Lean, David; Baker, Carroll; Sydow, Max von; Heston, Charlton; Stevens, George; 史帝芬斯 ((Stevens, George)) (Projected and video material)
豔陽天 = Summer time / by: 連 ((Lean, David)); 布拉里 ((Brazzi, Rossano)); 赫本 ((Hepburn, Katharine)); Lean, David; Brazzi, Rossano; Hepburn, Katharine (Projected and video material)
桂河大橋 = The bridge on the River Kwai / by: 大衛連 ((Lean, David)); Lean, David (Projected and video material)
齊瓦哥醫生 = Dr. Zhivago / by: 連 ((Lean, David)); 雪瑞夫 ((Sharif, Omar)); Lean, David; Sharif, Omar (Projected and video material)
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