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孟德爾頌 ((Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847))

Works: 0 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
孟德爾頌 / by: 博德曼股份有限公司; 錦繡文化企業 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
孟德爾頌「無言之歌」精選 = Lieder ohne Worte : Songs without words by: 舒爾勒 ((Schorler, Renate)); Schorler, Renate (Sound recordings, musical performance)
經典蕭提 II : = 孟德爾頌義大利交響曲&蕭士塔高維契第十號交響曲 / by: 蕭提 ((Solti, Georg)); 孟德爾頌 ((Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847)); Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix; Solti, Georg; 巴伐利廣播電台交響樂團; The Bavarian radio symphony orchestra (Projected and video material)
孟德爾頌 / by: 錦繡文化企業; 博德曼股份有限公司 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
孟德爾頌、布魯赫小提琴協奏曲輯 / by: 卡穆 ((Kamu, Okko)); 基姆 ((Kim, Yong Uck)); Kamu, Okko; Kim, Yong Uck; 班貝格交響樂團(Bamberger Symphoniker); Bamberger Symphoniker (Sound recordings, musical performance)
孟德爾頌 : = 序曲集 / by: 台灣大英百科股份有限公司; 巨英國際股份有限公司 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
孟德爾頌 : = 小提琴協奏曲 / by: 巨英國際股份有限公司; 台灣大英百科股份有限公司 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
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