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Works: 2 works in 22 publications in 2 languages
這才是日本史 = = これわ日本の歷史です / by: 何畏岩; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
日本史 / by: 鄭學稼; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
わたくレ達の時代 = = Issues confronting the world today / by: 歷史學研究會; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
私のアメリカと日本 / by: 陳鵬仁; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
世界像の形成 = = Formation of images of the world : ng / by: 溝口雄三; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
長期社會變動 = = Long-term changes in Asian societies : ng / by: 溝口雄三; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
交錯するアジア = = Asian diversity / by: 溝口雄三; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
元祿忠臣藏 / by: 日本; 吉原健一郎; 李中芳 (Language materials, printed)
社會と國家 = = State and society / by: 溝口雄三; 日本 (Language materials, printed)
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