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The traditional physics of power has been replaced by something radically different. In The Age of the Unthinkable, Joshua Cooper Ramo puts forth a revelatory new model for understanding our dangerously unpredictable world.
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... 9789868485952 A / 752 不可思議的年代世界以我們不可預期的速度轉變,每分每秒從枝微末節的細小處逐漸變遷擴展,然而卻極不顯於表面,專家已無法預測推斷未來將發生的事情。作者從各個層面啟發讀者對世界的看法,喚醒讀者們對快速變化的世界之注意,並以精確 ...
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This tale of ghosts with unfinished business is a brain-teasing, gender-bending romp through the netherworld, with stops in Laos, Myanmar and northern Thailand along the way.
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1.幼兒學前教育必備的益智小書。 2.版本小巧適中,隨身攜帶、隨手翻閱,方便學習。 3.看一看、說一說、讀一讀,啟發幼兒認知,奠定學習基礎。 4 ...
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From the author of the internationally bestselling novels My Best Friend’s Girl and Marshmallows for Breakfast comes an incredibly moving, powerfully written new novel about motherhood, love, loss, and new beginnings.
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Chinese edition of At my french table: food, family and joie de vivre in a corner of Normandy.