19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 Undelivered orders . 161,500 -161,500 Total obligations . 22,096,300 12,535,700 9,600,000 19,968,000 Method of financing : Appropriations .. 22 , 132,000 12,500,000 35,700 12,535 , 700 9,600,000 19,968,000 Unobligated ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 . The 1967 appropriation was $ 20,350,000 . The 1968 requested appropriation is $ 23,054,000 . The increase requested $ 2,704,000 - is about 13 percent . În 1968 the major focus of this increase is directed toward getting ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 64,200,000 21,934,800 12,697,200 9,600,000 19,968,000 Relocations . Reservoir .. Dam . Locks . Roads , access Channel , dredging and dikes . Recreation facilities . Buildings , grounds , and utilities . Permanent operating ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 161,500 Total obligations 22,096,300 12,535,700 9,600,000 19,968,000 Method of financing : Appropriations .. 22 , 132,000 12,500,000 Unobligated carryover from prior year . 35,700 Total funds available for obligation ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 64,200,000 21,934 , 800 161 , 500 22,096 , 300 12 , 697 , 200 -161,500 12 , 535 , 700 9,600,000 19,968,000 9,600,000 19,968,000 Appropriations . Unobligated carryover from prior year . Total funds available for obligation _ ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 20,000,000 円/ +32,000 Section of Act Appropriation Title Budget Activity 1969 Estimate 1970. Section 6 -- Grants for Research and Development Pollution Control Operations and Research and demonstration sewer .... treatment ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 Actual reduction in corn and sorghum acreage from 1960 is officially estimated by the USDA at 19,968,000 acres - 6,719,800 acres less than the 26,687,800 acres placed in the program . Fact 4 - Program slippage All corn Grain ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 19,968,000 22,523,000 21,028,000 20,593,000 20,593,000 20,593,000 31,669,000 23,108,000 20,987,000 20,987,000 20,987,000 24,579,000 22,849,000 21,943,000 21,943,000 21,943,000 27,035,000 25,937,000 24,653,000 24,653,000 ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 19,968,000 22,523,000 21,028,000 20,593,000 20,593,000 20,593,000 31,669,000 23,108,000 20,987,000 20,987,000 20,987,000 24,579,000 22,849,000 21,943,000 21,943,000 21,943,000 1970 24,802,000 23,704,000 22,420,000 22,420,000 ...
19968000 from books.google.com
... 19,968,000 19,968,000 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This account funds program support costs for the 100 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.