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This is much more than a graphic novel: it is more like a silent film on paper' - The New York Times 'This is a beautiful graphic novel within a novel - the soft pencil drawings bringing the story alive' - Booktrust ORPHAN, CLOCK KEEPER, ...
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... 瓦歷斯( Velma Wallis )著:王聖棻譯布萊恩·賽茲尼克/著·圖:宋珮/譯維京 96.07 國小高年級跨國中 9789867428684 野人文化 96.09 國中 9789866807121 臺灣東方 96.11 國小高年級跨國中 9789575708948 書名作者出版社日期適讀年齡 ISBN 大偉的 Publication.
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... 9789575708948 (精裝) NT $ 630 874.59 *洞/路易斯.薩奇爾( Louis Sachar )原著;趙永芬譯.一二版.一臺北市:小魯文化, 9610. - 288 面; 21 公分.一(小魯大獎小說: SP07N ) . ISBN 9789862110096 (平裝) NT $ 270 874.59 美人兒/史考特·韋斯特費德( Scott ...
9789575708948 from books.google.com
In Zhenguan's journey of first love, suffering, disillusionment, and - ultimately - zenlike triumph, Hsiao Li-hung celebrates the values and traditions that have sustained and nurtured life in Taiwan through the centuries.".
9789575708948 from books.google.com
Taking up themes long familiar from the realms of fairy tales and science fiction, Gaby Wood traces the hidden prehistory of a modern idea—the thinking, hoaxes, and inventions that presaged contemporary robotics and the current ...
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These are just a few of the inhabitants of Hon Lai-chu’s stories, where surreal charac-ters struggle to carve out space for freedom and individuality in an absurd world.
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Huang's characters—generally the uneducated and disadvantaged who must cope with assaults on their traditionalism, hostility from their urban brethren and, of course, the debilitating effects of poverty—come to life in all their human ...
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Things to know about Billy Miller: He's worried about 2nd grade He thinks bats are cool His little sister is annoying He had a spectacular accident this summer He doesn't like poetry much His dad makes really good cookies Ned is his best ...
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"The Rouge of the North tells of the melancholy life of a lower-class woman trapped within the confines of an unhappy arranged marriage.