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本书收入上个世纪二十年代至八十年代之间数十位诗人的现代诗作。其中包括早期新诗开拓者徐志摩、闻一多等著名诗人;也包括现代中国大陆的重要诗人白桦、顾城 ...
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--John Lagerwey has done extensive fieldwork on local society and its festivals. This book represents a first attempt to use this new research to integrate top-down and bottom-up views of Chinese society, culture, and history.
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The novel was actually first published in 1804, several decades before opium became a factor in the China trade. It is not only by far the earliest novel to deal with that trade, but also one of the earliest accounts of it.
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Imperial to International is the first volume in the new series Sheng Kung Hui: Historical Studies of Anglican Christianity in China, co-published by the Hong Kong University Press and the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.
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In this collection of passionately argued essays, the internationally acclaimed poet and critic Wai-lim Yip calls Western scholarship to account for its treacherous representation of non-Western literature.
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This book will be a valuable resource for years and decades to come.” —Gordon Mathews, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Yet it has also been hailed by many as one of the emerging gay capitals of Asia. This book accounts for the rise of mediated queer cultures in Singapore's current milieu of illiberal citizenship.