... 9781137356697 ISBN 978-1-137-35669-7 ( eBook ) This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources . Logging , pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the ...
... 9781137356697 Foster , W. , and Valdés , A. ( 2015 ) . Measuring the size of the renewable resource sector : The case of Chile . World Food Policy 2 , 19-35 . doi : 10.18278 / wfp.2.1.2 Gatica - Arias , A. ( 2020 ) . The regulatory ...
This book offers a critical account of studies of local immigration policy and a relational approach to explain its emergence, variation, and effects in a context of interdependence and globalization.
The value of this volume is the care it takes in explicating the theory, the larger ethical universe, in which we all operate, and applying it to the dynamics of the service-learning encounter"--
The Routledge Handbook to the Governance of Migration and Diversity in Cities focuses on the ways migration and diversity have transformed cities, and how cities have responded to the challenges and opportunities offered.
This book highlights the limitations of the process of democratisation in a country which lacked a previous democratic tradition and where the legacy of the harsh regime of Alfredo Stroessner (1954-89) is enduring.
Surveying not only the Latin American conditions that led to bankruptcy for countless farmers but also the North's practices, such as the heavy subsidies implemented to protect North American farmers, these essays represent a comprehensive, ...
This book addresses issues previously viewed as primarily technical concerning the germplasm debate: that is, how, what, and where to store the range of genetic materials necessary to reproduce plants.
An ethnography exploring disagreements among Paraguayan peasants, government bureaucrats, and development experts about how state bureaucracy should function, what archival documents are for, and who gets to narrate the past.