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... 9787501238309 版权所有侵权必究 断恶修善,积功累德任登第世界知识出版社出版拙著《大家都学弟子规》以后,又将出版《大家都学感应篇》,嘱我作序,我把这当作研读经典的一个极好机会,便欣然允诺。中国传统文化由儒、释、道三家构成。有当代大德指出,儒家的 ...
9787501238309 from books.google.com
The Buddha's Light Philosophy examines the management and accomplishments of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order and the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA).
9787501238309 from books.google.com
This is Buddhism at its most accessible, applied to the daily realities of ordinary parents. Even if exploring Buddhism at this busy stage of your life is not where you thought you'd be, it's well worthwhile reading this book.
9787501238309 from books.google.com
This book will be of interest to scholars and students working in these fields.