141200425x from books.google.com
... 141200425X. 23. ChhAndogya Upanishad, Swami Krishnananda, TheDivineLifeSociety,1984. NoISBN. Electronically available from http://www.swamikrishnananda.org/. 24.TheMethodofthe Vedanta: A CriticalAccount oftheAdvaita Tradition, Swami ...
141200425x from books.google.com
Written with stunning clarity and aliveness, this book is a love letter to the exhausted spiritual seeker who is simply longing to come Home.
141200425x from books.google.com
One day that possibility became a reality, and it was simple and ordinary, magnificent and revolutionary. It is the open secret that reveals itself in every part of our lives.
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Also included by way of an introduction to the main text, is a revised version of Nathan's first book, Clarity.
141200425x from books.google.com
Awakening to the Dream talks about the gift of lucid living, surprise of re-cognising the mystery of our collective and true identity, and about re-membering the treasure trove within.