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Discusses many of the controversial assertions in "The Da Vinci Code" and compares unsupported claims in the novel to documented historical facts and events.
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Tolkien's Lord of the Rings epic tale has long captivated readers with its parallels to biblical truth. And now, Walking with Frodo looks at the biblical themes found in the classic Lord of the Rings trilogy.
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To help everyone from beginner to seasoned intercessor, Becoming a Prayer Warrior provides a complete guide to the essentials of powerful prayer.
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Here readers discover for themselves the truth about who Christ is. This study of Philippians and Colossians encourages believers to find joy in every circumstance and to walk worthy of their high calling.
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A remarkable true story of the savage persecution of Christians in Korea during World War II.
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A companion to How Can I Find Healing?, this award-winning presentation on New Testament healing has been helpful to believers worldwide. Jim Glennon's teaching is based solidly on the Scriptures and on experience.
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This study of 1 and 2 Peter and Jude helps believers deepen their faith and guard against false teachings. Peter and Jude exhort us to live courageously for Christ in a world that seeks to destroy the gospel's truth.
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Knowing Jesus is the beginning of a lifetime adventure. In this simple, but magnificent study of Luke, believers will discover more about how Christ lived...and how they too can live as true disciples.
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From Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz, authors of Knowing the Bible 101, a trim, 45-page booklet is perfect for new believers, Christians who want a handy evangelistic tool, and churchgoers who are ready to rediscover the essentials of the ...