Developed as a collaborative effort by members of the American Anthropological Association’s Language and Social Justice Task Force, this innovative volume synthesizes scholarly insights on the relationship between patterns of ...
They can affect the democratic control of political organizations, and they can either entrench or reduce inequalities. These are the central topics of this book.
This text additionally analyzes how language gap research has impacted educational policies, and will be the first book-length overview addressing this area of rapidly growing interest.
This book explores the ways in which linguistic diversity mediates social justice in liberal democracies undergoing rapid change due to high levels of migration and economic globalization.
This book brings together the fields of language policy and discourse studies from a multidisciplinary theoretical, methodological and empirical perspective.
This book explores the role of the teacher in dual language bilingual education (DLBE) implementation in a time of nationwide program expansion, in large part due to new and unprecedented top-down initiatives at state and district level.
A comprehensive volume which engages with language policies and positions to highlight the issues surrounding language commodification and globalization.