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The Supremacy of Love describes and advocates an agape-centered vision of Aristotelian virtue ethics that portrays love as the most important moral virtue, and the goals of love as a partial constituent of every genuine virtue.
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本书选择中国古代十五位有代表性的哲学家,对他们的哲学体系做了整体性的阐发和揭示。作者从每一位哲学家的根本问题出发,明确其概念内涵及问题的具体指涉,呈现出其思想展 ...
9789571379678 from books.google.com
Praszkier addresses the question of why some people perceive certain challenges as doable, when others (the majority) see them as impossible.
9789571379678 from books.google.com
A kaleidoscope of inspiration that lets the reader delve into the ideas of many of our great spiritual thinkers.
9789571379678 from books.google.com
Featuring iconic and impossible stories from "the playa," interviews with Burning Man's founders and staff, and personal recollections of the late Larry Harvey--Burning Man's founder, "Chief Philosophical Officer," and the author's close ...
9789571379678 from books.google.com
In The Shared World, Axel Seemann offers a new treatment of the capacity to perceive, act on, and know about the world together with others.
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Lucia will show you how to: Channel the deep inner wisdom of your True Self Change negative attitudes about yourself Unlock creativity Uncover hidden artistic abilities Heal your relationships Through various drawing and writing exercises, ...
9789571379678 from books.google.com
In A Bound Woman Is a Dangerous Thing, DaMaris Hill honors their experiences with at times harrowing, at times hopeful responses to her heroes, illustrated with black-and-white photographs throughout.
9789571379678 from books.google.com
Once you master the book's techniques and conversations, you will understand Lifescripts' philosophy and can apply it to your most important one-on-one conversations.
9789571379678 from books.google.com
If you are interested in becoming a better leader, this book is a great place to start.