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9789573284345 from books.google.com
"This book focuses on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels.
9789573284345 from books.google.com
關於義務,你怎麼想? 面對不義,抵抗就是義務! 面對不正當的政府,違法就是義務! 當國家行使暴力,抗命就是義務! ...
9789573284345 from books.google.com
本书分“人的行为”与“性格科学”两篇,包括精神、精神生活的社会性、儿童与社会、我们生活的世界、自卑感与追求认同、人生准备、两性角色、攻击型性格特征、非攻击型性格 ...
9789573284345 from books.google.com
Integrating a decade-long program of empirical research with current cognitive theory, this book demonstrates that psychological research has profound implications for current debates about what it means to be rational.
9789573284345 from books.google.com
Accepting and now forcefully responding to this decentering and disturbing idea, Keith Stanovich here provides the tools for the "robot's rebellion," a program of cognitive reform necessary to advance human interests over the limited ...
9789573284345 from books.google.com
Miles the dog is growing older, but adventure still awaits when he takes to the skies.
9789573284345 from books.google.com
This volume summarizes the gains that have been made in key areas of reading research and provides insights on current controversies and debates.
9789573284345 from books.google.com
The book illuminates the dark, hidden forces of Wall Street and how it has dehumanized and left behind everyday Americans.