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How do they do it? With unlimited access to the people and inside documents of Southwest Airlines, authors Kevin and Jackie Freiberg share the secrets behind the greatest success story in commercial aviation.
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In The Pursuit of Wow!, Tom Peters offers readers the words, the tools, to survive in tumultuous business environments. In his groundbreaking book, In Search of Excellence changed the way business does business.
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Bell's book introduces a revolutionary new paradigm for creating a learning organization, one person at a time.
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Carlo Urbani was an infective disease specialist with a beaming career, one of the most experienced in the world.
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When Liu Bang, the eponymous protagonist of this novel, set out to conquer all under Heaven, he was already 47 years old.
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Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting (New Series) is an annual publication designed to disseminate developments in the quantitative analysis of finance and accounting.
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Though they are spiritual beings, some mermaids incarnate in the form of human women. If this is the case, how might we identify them? As children, they spend hours in water every day.
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This is arguably the only book to lay out in such detail the rich panoply of Freemasonry in its many forms. If we are to really understand Freemasonry on a universal level, we need to read what Lorente Bull has to tell us.
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This book was written with one purpose in mind - to share the knowledge and wisdom the author has acquired since he began working with the system of magic designed by the Czech adept Franz Bardon.