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This elegant book deliberately sets out to dismantle the Western impression of Islam as a monolithic world and replace it with a balanced view, from current issues of fundamentalism to its dynamic culture and art.
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This book points out the many ways, some quite subtle and deceptive, that this mindset invites tension and conflict. But incredible things happen when people switch to an outward mindset.
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You are the best you can be. Annie Ashdown, Harley Street Master Hypnotherapist and Confidence Coach, had no confidence for many years, but gradually developed the 7 secrets to self-confidence which transformed her life.
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In The Yass Method for Pain-Free Movement, Dr. Yass focuses on enabling you to perform necessary and normal functional tasks without pain or discomfort.
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A young man recalls fond memories of his grandfather and the wilderness lessons he taught which serve to guide him when he leaves North Carolina to roam the world beyond.
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In a series of brief vignettes the authors bring to life international trade and its actors, and also demonstrate that economic activity cannot be divorced from social and cultural contexts.
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In Seven Skeletons, historian of science Lydia Pyne explores how seven such famous fossils of our ancestors have the social cachet they enjoy today.
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A preeminent translator of Chinese poetry and Buddhist texts explores the traditions of Chinese hermits in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution.