9789869461764 from books.google.com
... 我不相關。做大事、小事、甚至不做事的人,也跟你我不相關。我們最多只能承認──我是自由的。還有什麼好談?還有嗎? 我是誰找回快樂與自由的隨身練習作者:楊定一博士出版社:天下生活出版股份有限公司出版日:2017 年 7 月 ISBN:9789869461764.
9789869461764 from books.google.com
“I have come at this time, in this place, and through this being to speak my truth, to speak the story of my life — the true story of my life.” The purpose of this book is to clarify, to tell the truth, and to share my energies with ...