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... 止息。 6.識無邊處定──空入處想寂滅,止息。 7.無所有處定──識入處想寂滅,止息。 8.非想非非想定──無所有處想寂滅,止息。 定作者:楊定一博士出版社:天下生活出版股份有限公司出版日:2017 年 11 月 ISBN:9789869515160 EPUB製作: EPUB製作日期:2018.
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For this reason, they often spend years stuck on the system’s basic exercises. In this book, Virgil discusses some key components of magical training that are hinted at but not expounded upon in the text of Bardon’s books.
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What really happens when we die? In this powerful book, author and teacher Ryuho Okawa reveals the transcendent nature of consciousness and the secrets of our multidimensional universe and our place in it.
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Thomas Brand's rational view of the universe is challenged when a spaceship lands in the London riots and he receives a message.