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... 社「東吟社」的浙地成員,次論鹽分地帶作家林芳年,三論日治時期的文學家。第三部分則研探隋唐五代十國童謠產生的背景,並逐首鑒賞,為未來撰寫《中國童謠史》奠基。 ISBN 978-957-7398-59-8 00320 9789577398598. 書號: 0800004 定價 320 元.
9789577398598 from books.google.com
Comprising the most up-to-date, interdisciplinary research on the study of Chinese religious beliefs and cultural practices, this volume explores the rich and complex religious and philosophical traditions that have developed and flourished ...
9789577398598 from books.google.com
It seems that there were 'teleconnections' in society, too. So this volumes aims to examine man-environment interactions mainly in the 14th century from all over Europe and beyond.
9789577398598 from books.google.com
The book was written by the past Historian, Professor Xiong Deshan.
9789577398598 from books.google.com
This original, thought-provoking history of China's last empire is a must-read for understanding the challenges facing China today.
9789577398598 from books.google.com
The A-Z Encyclopedia presents the facts, arguments, and areas of contention in over 560 entries in a clear, objective manner. For a full list of entries, contributors, and more, visit the Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities website.
9789577398598 from books.google.com
This book is the first in a three-volume set that celebrates the career and achievements of Cliff Goddard, a pioneer of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage approach in linguistics.
9789577398598 from books.google.com
Now Elman has retold the story of the Jesuit impact on late imperial China, circa 1600-1800, and the Protestant era in early modern China from the 1840s to 1900 in a concise and accessible form ideal for the classroom.